Research Area: Information Technology | Status: Complete | Led By: Student-led
Emergency responders, disaster managers, defense and security mission planners are tasked with making time-critical decisions to deploy resources and keep their teams safe during crisis events. Renewable energy developers, mine operators, and property risk and damage assessors all need to make decisions based on the ground and what is on it. In all these situations, seeing the ground they operate in, or near, with high accuracy and on demand is critical. Providing them the next era of intelligence from space, the air, and underwater, plus advanced visualization, collaboration, and analytics, will allow for quicker, more accurate decisions, which can save lives, money, and time.
Terris is a technology company with a vision to “deliver earth intelligence to help make healthier decisions about developing our planet and improving the safety of people.” Terris is creating an Earth Intelligence SaaS platform to help solve major challenges that many industries are facing, including the renewable energy sector and emergency response sector. The Terris SaaS platform will source and curate data of interest in various formats, create multi-layered detailed visualization, and analyze the data to provide detailed and highly accurate information to aid clients in making important decisions. Terris is a Certified B Corp, is committed to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and participates in the 1% for the Planet initiative. Emergency responders, disaster managers, defense and security mission planners are tasked with making time-critical decisions to deploy resources and keep their teams safe during crisis events. Renewable energy developers, mine operators, and property risk and damage assessors all need to make decisions based on the ground and what is on it. In all these situations, seeing the ground they operate in, or near, with high accuracy and on demand is critical. Providing them the next era of intelligence from space, the air, and underwater, plus advanced visualization, collaboration, and analytics, will allow for quicker, more accurate decisions, which can save lives, money, and time. Terris is a technology company with a vision to “deliver earth intelligence to help make healthier decisions about developing our planet and improving the safety of people.” Terris is creating an Earth Intelligence SaaS platform to help solve major challenges that many industries are facing, including the renewable energy sector and emergency response sector. The Terris SaaS platform will source and curate data of interest in various formats, create multi-layered detailed visualization, and analyze the data to provide detailed and highly accurate information to aid clients in making important decisions. Terris is a Certified B Corp, is committed to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and participates in the 1% for the Planet initiative.
To support its initiatives, Terris sought to collaborate with HÂþ». HÂþ» instructor subject matter experts co-supervised HÂþ» student interns who supported programming and business analysis projects at Terris. HÂþ» IT: Programmer Analyst student Priscilla Phuong Nguyen brought the latest programming skills to the Terris team. She worked alongside Terris software engineers to define and develop the SaaS, cloud-based 3D visualization platform. HÂþ» IT: Business Analyst student Maksym Kobysh worked with the Terris management and business development team to create materials supporting the launch of a customer support portal, including manuals, FAQ, and other supporting documentation critical to customer success.
Working with HÂþ» allowed Terris to access a workforce ready skillset that compliments their existing team and helps diversify the training and experience of team members in the region by drawing from various post-secondary sources.
The internships provided HÂþ» students the opportunity to work on a project that supports a local employer while building skills, including critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration, and results orientation. The opportunity allowed students to simultaneously hone their skills for the local labour market, gain exposure to concepts relevant to applied research and business innovation, and build their professional network.
These internships are part of an initiative called Project FLEX (FLexible educational EXperiences). Project FLEX gives HÂþ» students internship opportunities that are flexible and paid. FLEX internships provide at least half of the funding needed to compensate the students through the Mitacs Business Strategy Internship program while the company provides the remaining portion. This arrangement ensures the best talents in the province are accessible to budding businesses.
Participating in the internship with Terris was a wonderful learning experience. Terris was the kind of place I wanted to intern because the company has a dynamic and diverse working environment. The employees are from many countries, and the company provides opportunities for employees to build expertise in the newest technology in the IT field. After nearly two years of studying at HÂþ», I have a solid foundation in many programming languages and databases. From there, the internship position helped me update to the latest knowledge and develop my career as a software developer firmly.
In addition, other advantages of the internship at Terris are sustainable development and supporting the community. From the vision and mission of the company, I understand more about our planet, how to improve the safety of people by using technology, and the importance of community support. The internship has made me more confident, and I love the career I’ve chosen.
Another important thing was having a paid applied research opportunity during my internship. It helped me have motivation and concentration on my studying. The money contributed significantly to my student life and helped my financial situation. The support helped me attain the Highest Academic Award at graduation. Thank you so much for giving me this fantastic opportunity.
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About Applied Research and Innovation
HÂþ»’s Applied Research and Innovation office helps businesses and communities find solutions to their challenges. Through its expertise, equipment, and facilities, HÂþ» helps its partners to solve problems, take advantage of market opportunities, and develop new, innovative processes that will enhance how New Brunswickers live, work and do business.