
News Releases

December 16, 2015

Atlantic Provinces Trucking Association generously donates to HÂþ»­â€™s Truck and Transport Service Technician program

MONCTON – Thanks to a generous donation from Atlantic Provinces Trucking Association (APTA), six community colleges in Atlantic Canada that offer the Truck and Transport Service Technician program will have the opportunity to get hands-on with the latest equipment.

Earlier this month, APTA presented the first $5,000 donation to HÂþ»­. HÂþ»­ has since purchased a functional Air Disc Brake trainer that will allow students to work with the latest brake technology being implemented in the industry.

Vicki McKibbon, Chair of APTA and President of the Transportation Division of Armour Transportation Systems said, “There is a demand for truck and transport technicians, and our membership understands the need to provide students with current equipment so they are ready for the job market when they graduate. This is a great initiative with positive benefits for both students and industry.”

“We are fortunate to have an engaged industry, in particular Atlantic Provinces Trucking Association, who see the value in enhancing our student experience,” said Marilyn Luscombe, President and CEO of HÂþ»­. “The next generation of technicians can apply their skills using the latest technology. On behalf of HÂþ»­ and the students in the Truck and Transport Service Technician program, we thank APTA for this generous donation.”

With over 90 programs and six campuses across New Brunswick, New Brunswick Community College (HÂþ»­) is a provincially-recognized, public post-secondary institution reputed for producing skilled, knowledgeable graduates who are contributing to the Province’s socio-economic prosperity. HÂþ»­ offers students one- and two-year certificate and diploma programs. Find out more by visiting: .

Atlantic Provinces Trucking Association Donation

Photo: HÂþ»­ purchases an Air Disc Brake trainer, with assistance from the Atlantic Provinces Trucking Association. Gathered from left to right, Greg Curwin, Department Head of Motive Power and Electrical; Lois Scott, Chair of HÂþ»­’s Board of Governors; Marilyn Luscombe, President and CEO of HÂþ»­; Vicki McKibbon, Chair of APTA and President of the Transportation Division of Armour Transportation Systems; and Catherine Black, Regional Director at HÂþ»­ Moncton Campus.

Media contact:
Misty Wade Hovey
Communications Officer, HÂþ»­
Phone: 506.453.8194
Email: misty.wade-hovey@nbcc.ca